pjsip 同时使用多套音频设备
时间: 2018-10-05来源:OSCHINA
pjsip同时进行多路通话, 每路通话都能指定使用不同的mic和喇叭,搞它?
二话不说,抄代码: HHow can I use multiple sound devices simultaneously? You can use multiple audio devices simultaneously with PJSUA-LIB. The first sound device is managed by PJSUA-LIB as usual, and you access it as slot #0 in the conference bridge. The following steps describe how to open and use the second and subsequent sound devices in your application: Create a ​sound device port for the sound device you want to use. pjmedia_snd_port *sndport; pj_status_t status; status = pjmedia_snd_port_create(..., &sndport); Create a ​splitter/combiner port. pjmedia_port *splitcomb; status = pjmedia_splitcomb_create(..., &splitcomb); Create a reverse channel from the splitcomb. pjmedia_port *revch; status = pjmedia_splitcomb_create_rev_channel(pool, splitcomb, 0, 0, &revch); Register the reverse channel above to the conference bridge. int slot; status = pjsua_conf_add_port(pool, revch, &slot); Connect the sound device port to the splitcomb. status = pjmedia_snd_port_connect(sndport, splitcomb); After these, you can use the sound device (that you open in step 1 above) by using the slot number (step 4) just as you would with other media ports. For example, to play a media to the sound device, just connect (with pjsua_conf_connect()) the slot number of that media to the slot number of the sound device, and vice versa. 原文链接 https://trac.pjsip.org/repos/wiki/FAQ#multi-snd






