蟒周刊-423-Python 依赖关系管理工具概述
时间: 2020-06-10来源:OSCHINA
原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #423
200527 Zoom.Quiet (大妈) 用时 42 分钟 完成快译 200527 Zoom.Quiet (大妈) 用时 37 分钟 完成格式转抄. 从终端向 Python 传递代码的多种方法 BRETT CANNON
You might know about pointing Python to a file path, or using -m to execute a module. But did you know that Python can execute a directory? Or a .zip file?
( 是也乎:
甚至于还有通过 FaaS 直接远程嗯哼的...
) Python 3.9 的 PEP 们 JAKE EDGE
The first Python 3.9 beta release is upon us! Learn what to expect in the final October release by taking a tour of the Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) that were accepted for Python 3.9.
( 是也乎:
老爹离开后, Py 没了缰绳儿, 越来越欢跳了...
) Python 依赖关系管理工具概述 MARIO KOSTELAC
While pip is often considered the de facto Python package manager, the dependency management ecosystem has really grown over that last few years. Learn about the different tools available and how they fit into this ecosystem.
( 是也乎:

可见 pyenv 小出一和了一个多精巧的空间, 夯实了地位
) 在 Raspberry Pi 上用 Python 构建物理项目 REAL PYTHON
In this tutorial, you’ll learn to use Python on the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is one of the leading physical computing boards on the market and a great way to get started using Python to interact with the physical world.
( 是也乎:

) CPython Internals Book (抢先体验折扣 ~ 6折) REAL PYTHON sponsor
Unlock the inner workings of the Python language, compile the Python interpreter from source code, and participate in the development of CPython. The new “CPython Internals” book shows you exactly how. 下载示例章节并获得您的早鸟折扣 →
( 是也乎:

真蟒版"CPython 源代码鉴赏", 距离陈儒当年针对 Python 2.4 写的已经有12年了...
) PSF 董事会提名期延长至6月3日 PYTHON.ORG Qt for Python 5.15.0 发布了! QT.IO
( 是也乎:
Qt 是开源商业成功典范了..
嗯哼? 能抢到 QT.IO 这个域名也不容易哪...
讨论 Discussions 你用 Python 的 pdb 来调试有多频繁? RAYMOND HETTINGER
( 是也乎:
文章,教程和嗯哼 Articles, Tutorials and Talks 关于 Python 测试入门的建议 REAL PYTHON podcast
Have you wanted to get started with testing in Python? Maybe you feel a little nervous about diving in deeper than just confirming your code runs. What are the tools needed and what would be the next steps to level up your Python testing?
( 是也乎:
TDD 难的从来不是工具, 而是转变思路,在写功能前, 就得设计好容易放屁的裤子出来...

) 立即停止使用 datetime.now !(有依赖注入) HAKI BENITA
How do you test a function that relies on datetime.now() or date.today()? You could use libraries like FreezeGun or libfaketime, but not every project can afford the luxury of reaching for third-party solutions. Learn how dependency injection can help you write code that is more testable, maintainable, and practical.
( 是也乎:
) 如何编写可安装的 Django 应用 REAL PYTHON
In this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll learn how to create an installable Django app. You’ll cover everything you need to know, from extracting your app from a Django project to turning it into a package that’s available on PyPI and installable through pip.
( 是也乎:
太南了, Django 当年设计时绝对没想到有这种应用场景的

tox 立功了...
) Python 语言峰会的一些议题 JAKE EDGE
The Python Language Summit is an annual gathering for the developers of various Python implementations. This year, the gathering was conducted via videoconference. Here are summaries of some of the sessions from this year’s summit. 用Python 的 zip() 函数进行并行迭代 REAL PYTHON video
How to use the Python zip() function to solve common programming problems. You’ll learn how to traverse multiple iterables in parallel and create dictionaries with just a few lines of code.
( 是也乎:

) 构建一个 OpenCV 社交距离探测器 ADRIAN ROSEBROCK
In this tutorial, you will learn how to implement a COVID-19 social distancing detector using OpenCV, Deep Learning, and Computer Vision.
( 是也乎:
其实 OpenCV 只是一个视觉库, 真正功能还是要靠现成模块的...
) 如何为您的博客设置 RSS/Atom 聚合 FLORIAN DAHLITZ • Shared by Florian Dahlitz
( 是也乎:
这不应该是 SSG 引擎内置的功能?
) SOLID 设计的 Python 指南 DEREK DRUMMOND • Shared by Derek Drummond
好物 Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code httpx: 适用于 Python 的下一代HTTP客户端 GITHUB.COM/ENCODE
( 是也乎:
叕叕叒又一个下一代 HTTP 客户端..

) python-skyfield: Python 优雅天文学 GITHUB.COM/SKYFIELDERS PySyft: 用于 加密/隐私保护机器学习 GITHUB.COM/OPENMINED pybridge-ios: 在本机 iOS 应用程序中复用 Python 代码 GITHUB.COM/JOAOVENTURA
( 是也乎:
iOS 版 QPython
) returns: 使函数返回有意义/有类型且安全的东西... GITHUB.COM/DRY-PYTHON
( 是也乎:
C++化 Python 叕一种努力. ) snakeware: 具有完整 Python 用户空间的免费 Linux 发行版 GITHUB.COM/JOSHIEMOORE
( 是也乎:

这怎么说呢, 就是 MacroPython 的完备版本?
) python-testing-crawler: 用于Web应用程序自动功能测试的爬虫 GITHUB.COM/PYTHON-TESTING-CRAWLER
( 是也乎:

📆🐍 活动/大会 Events, MeetUp 真的是全球线下活动组织中心 ⋅ Python Web Conf 2020 (Virtual) June 17–19, 2020 ⋅ FlaskCon 2020 (Virtual) July 4–5, 2020.
The call for speakers is open until June 7th, 2020.
( 是也乎:
中国也已经接到有关通知, 允许线下集会申报了...
DAMA ❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-( 大妈私人无责任播报 )
101camp9py 即将报名(能开发票 ;-)
课程规划: 开始报名 2020.5.31 报名截止 2020.6.21 正式开课 2020.6.28 课程结束 2020.8.09
详情 => 蟒营™ Python 入门班第9期
PS: 首发: Issue 423 ~蠎周刊 ~汇集全球蠎事儿 ;-) 修订: issue-423.md NN 4033
好文笔,感叹号年度配额: 1/3
投稿/反馈邮箱: askdama@googlegroups.com
(邮件列表地址, 当成正常邮件发送邮件就好, 不用注册, 不用翻越...)
ZoomQuiet/ 大妈
就是四处 是也乎,( ̄▽ ̄) 的那个 大妈 : 私自嗯哼: ZoomQuiet (订阅号: ZoomQuiet42) 公开课程: 蟒营 (订阅号: Mainium) 历史吐糟: Chaos42 (订阅号 PythoniCamp) as 创始组织者: PyChina (订阅号: PyChinaOrg) 本地社区: GDG珠海 (订阅号: GDG-ZhuHai) TFUG珠海 (订阅号: ZH_TFUG)

蟒营®编程思维提高班Python版 第9期 报名: 6.1~6.7第一周报名, 统惠500元 报名截止 2020.6.21 正式开课 2020.6.28 课程结束 2020.8.09

蟒营®原创课程 服务: 伴你重享学习乐趣
蟒营®: 编程思维提高班 Python版 自怼圈 蟒周刊
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