时间: 2020-04-06来源:OSCHINA

游戏开发制作流程 :

2.1定义两个对象(主角和怪物) def fight (A , B , cancel= 0 ): a=A.attack-B.defend b=B.attack-A.defend
2.2函数输出为【0】表示打不过,胜利输出受损生命值,设置cancel可以撤销本次战斗即回到之前状态 if a<= 0 : return [ 0 ] if a> 0 and b<= 0 : if (cancel== 0 ): if (cancel!= 0 ): return 0
for i in range ( 1 , 100 ): if< 0 : if (cancel== 0 ): if (cancel!= 0 ): return if< 0 : return [ 0 ]
2.4设置主函数,使一些人物力,怪物等提示信息等显示 if __name__== "__main__" : class character: def __init__ ( self , tuple): self .attack=tuple[ 0 ] self .defend=tuple[ 1 ] self .life=tuple[ 2 ] self .gold= 0 def __str__ ( self ): return u"攻击力:%d ,防御力:%d, 生命值:%d,金币: %d" %( self .attack , self .defend , self .life , self .gold) class monster: def __init__ ( self , tuple): self .attack=tuple[ 0 ] self .defend=tuple[ 1 ] self .life=tuple[ 2 ] self .gold=tuple[ 3 ] def __str__ ( self ): return u"攻击力:%d ,防御力:%d, 生命值:%d," %( self .attack , self .defend , self .life)
2.5显示人物与怪物得初始位置 CAIXUKUN=character(( 10 , 10 , 100 )) gSlime_=monster(( 11 , 5 , 10 , 1 )) rSlime_=monster(( 12 , 5 , 10 , 2 )) sBat_=monster(( 13 , 5 , 10 , 3 )) bWizard_=monster(( 15 , 5 , 10 , 5 )) Skeleton_=monster(( 18 , 5 , 10 , 8 )) scSkeleton_=monster(( 25 , 5 , 10 , 10 )) BOSS=monster(( 100 , 5 , 10 , 10 ))
3.1初始化设置 pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init()
3.2加载素材 wall=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'w1.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) ground=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'w2.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) yellow_door=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'd1.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) blue_door=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'd2.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) red_door=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'd3.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) special_door=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'd4.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) ykey=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'ykey.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) bkey=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'bkey.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) rkey=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'rkey.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) rbottle=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'rbottle.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) bbottle=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'bbottle.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) rgem=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'rgem.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) bgem=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'bgem.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) upstair=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'upstair.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) downstair=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'downstair.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) #怪物 rSlime=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'rSlime.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) gSlime=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'gSlime.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) bSlime=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'bSlime.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) kSlime=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'kSlime.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) sBat=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'sBat.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) bBat=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'bBat.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) rBat=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'rBat.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) bWizard=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'bWizard.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) rWizard=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'rWizard.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) Skeleton=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'Skeleton.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) scSkeleton=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'scSkeleton.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) bcSkeleton=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'bcSkeleton.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) ghost=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'ghost.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) lGuard=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'lGuard.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) mGuard=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'mGuard.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) hGuard=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'hGuard.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) lWitch=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'lWitch.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) hWitch=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'hWitch.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) Orc=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'Orc.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) wOrc=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'wOrc.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) Stone=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'Stone.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) Swordsman=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'Swordsman.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) wGhost=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'wGhost.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) Vampier=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'Vampier.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) #神秘人和宝物 guide=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'guide.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) merchant=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'merchant.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) princess=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'princess.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) lift=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'lift.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) #商店 shop=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'shop.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 150 , 50 ))
3.3背景音乐 'background.mp3' ) musicPlaying= False
3.4一些音效:打怪,开门,通过等 sound0=pygame.mixer.Sound( '0.wav' ) sound1=pygame.mixer.Sound( '1.wav' ) sound2=pygame.mixer.Sound( '2.wav' ) #sound3=pygame.mixer.Sound('3.wav') sound4=pygame.mixer.Sound( '4.wav' ) sound5=pygame.mixer.Sound( '5.wav' ) sound6=pygame.mixer.Sound( '6.wav' )
3.5等待1秒让mixer完成初始化 pygame.time.delay( 1000 )
3.6加载字体 my_FontCH=pygame.font.Font( '【春田】小火锅安卓.ttf' , 30 ) my_FontCHs=pygame.font.Font( '方正正中黑简体.TTF' , 30 ) my_FontEN=pygame.font.Font( 'KeeponTruckin.ttf' , 30 )
3.7最上面一格 text_surface0=my_FontCH.render( '小游戏' ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 ))
3.8加载属性框,矩形得四个参数left,top,width,height att_rect1=pygame.Rect( 0 , 50 , 200 , 600 ) att_rect2=pygame.Rect( 750 , 50 , 200 , 600 ) att_rect3=pygame.Rect( 200 , 600 , 550 , 50 ) att_rect4=pygame.Rect( 0 , 0 , 950 , 50 )
3.9获得钥匙图片所在得位置得矩形对象 ykey_rect=ykey.get_rect() ykey_rect.left , 0 , 400 bkey_rect=bkey.get_rect() bkey_rect.left , 0 , 450 rkey_rect=rkey.get_rect() rkey_rect.left , 0 , 500
3.10人物类 class character: def __init__ ( self , tuple): self .floor= 1 self .attack=tuple[ 0 ] self .defend=tuple[ 1 ] self .life=tuple[ 2 ] self .gold= 0 #物品栏 self .property={ 'Yellow_key' : 0 , 'Blue_key' : 0 , 'Red_key' : 0 } #图像 self .image=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'character.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) self .bg=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'w2.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) self .image_rect= self .image.get_rect() self .image_rect.left= 450 self 550
3.11墙壁以及门在没有对应钥匙时得不可通过机制写在移动函数得判定里 if str== "UP" : FORBID= 0 rect_new= self .image_rect.copy() rect_new.move_ip( 0 , - 50 )
3.11-1判断是否撞墙 for wall_ in wallL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(wall_): FORBID= 1
3.11-2是否在没有钥匙得时候通过门 for y_door in ydoorL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(y_door) and self .property[ "Yellow_key" ]== 0 : FORBID= 1 for b_door in bdoorL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(b_door) and self .property[ "Blue_key" ]== 0 : FORBID= 1 for r_door in rdoorL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(r_door) and self .property[ "Red_key" ]== 0 : FORBID= 1

3.11-3打不过怪时不可通过 for monster_ in list_morect[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(monster_): x=list_morect.index(monster_) if (fight(CAIXUKUN , eval (list_moname[x]+ "_" ) , 1 ))==[ 0 ]: FORBID= 1 if FORBID== 1 : pass
3.11-4判断是否出界 else : if self< 100 : pass else : self .image_rect.move_ip( 0 , - 50 )
3.12怪物类 class monster: def __init__ ( self , tuple): self .attack=tuple[ 0 ] self .defend=tuple[ 1 ] self .life=tuple[ 2 ] self .gold=tuple[ 3 ]
3.13铺地板:范围从(200,50)到(700,550) ground_L=[] for i in range ( 4 , 14 + 1 ): for j in range ( 1 , 11 + 1 ): ground_L.append(( 50 *i , 50 *j))
3.14墙壁得位置(矩形得左上角(left,top)) wall_L=[( 200 , 100 ) , ( 250 , 100 ) , ( 300 , 100 ) , ( 350 , 100 ) , ( 400 , 100 ) , ( 450 , 100 ) , ( 500 , 100 ) , ( 550 , 100 ) , ( 600 , 100 ) , ( 650 , 100 ) , ( 450 , 150 ) , ( 450 , 200 ) , ( 450 , 250 ) , ( 450 , 350 ) , ( 500 , 250 ) , ( 550 , 250 ) , ( 650 , 250 ) , ( 650 , 150 ) , ( 650 , 200 ) , ( 600 , 350 ) , ( 550 , 350 ) , ( 500 , 350 ) , ( 650 , 350 ) , ( 650 , 300 ) , ( 350 , 200 ) , ( 350 , 250 ) , ( 350 , 300 ) , ( 350 , 350 ) , ( 350 , 400 ) , ( 350 , 450 ) , ( 350 , 500 ) , ( 350 , 550 ) , ( 300 , 250 ) , ( 200 , 250 ) , ( 300 , 400 ) , ( 200 , 400 ) , ( 400 , 450 ) , ( 550 , 450 ) , ( 600 , 450 ) , ( 500 , 450 ) , ( 550 , 500 ) , ( 550 , 550 ) , ( 700 , 450 )]
3.15门得位置 dict_door={( 350 , 150 ): 'yellow' , ( 250 , 250 ): 'blue' , ( 600 , 250 ): 'yellow' , ( 450 , 300 ): 'yellow' , ( 250 , 400 ): 'yellow' , ( 450 , 450 ): 'yellow' , ( 450 , 450 ): 'yellow' , ( 650 , 450 ): 'red' , ( 600 , 250 ): 'red' }
3.16宝物位置 dict_trea={( 550 , 150 ): 'ykey' , ( 200 , 350 ): 'ykey' , ( 300 , 500 ): 'ykey' , ( 400 , 500 ): 'ykey' , ( 400 , 550 ): 'bkey' , ( 400 , 250 ): 'rkey' , ( 600 , 150 ): 'rkey' , ( 400 , 200 ): 'ykey' , ( 200 , 150 ): 'ykey' , ( 300 , 550 ): 'ykey' , ( 200 , 150 ): 'rbottle' , ( 100 , 350 ): 'rbottle' , ( 500 , 150 ): 'rgem' , ( 500 , 200 ): 'bgem' , ( 550 , 200 ): 'rbottle' , ( 200 , 550 ): 'rbottle' , ( 200 , 500 ): 'bbottle' , ( 650 , 550 ): 'bbottle' , ( 650 , 500 ): 'bgem' , } #楼梯
3.17怪物位置 dict_monster={( 300 , 50 ): 'gSlime' , ( 400 , 50 ): 'gSlime' , ( 600 , 550 ): 'sBat' , ( 700 , 550 ): 'sBat' , ( 350 , 50 ): 'gSlime' , ( 500 , 300 ): 'rSlime' , ( 500 , 300 ): 'rSlime' , ( 250 , 300 ): 'hWitch' , ( 250 , 450 ): 'ghost' , ( 550 , 300 ): 'ghost' , ( 600 , 300 ): 'rSlime' }
3.18门,楼梯,宝物 List_temp1=[k for k , v in dict_door.items() if v== 'yellow' ] List_temp2=[k for k , v in dict_stair.items() if v== 'up' ] List_temp3=[k for k , v in dict_trea.items() if v== 'rbottle' ] List_temp4=[k for k , v in dict_trea.items() if v== 'bbottle' ] List_temp5=[k for k , v in dict_trea.items() if v== 'rgem' ] List_temp6=[k for k , v in dict_trea.items() if v== 'bgem' ] List_temp7=[k for k , v in dict_trea.items() if v== 'ykey' ] List_temp8=[k for k , v in dict_door.items() if v== 'blue' ] List_temp9=[k for k , v in dict_trea.items() if v== 'bkey' ] List_temp10=[k for k , v in dict_door.items() if v== 'red' ] List_temp11=[k for k , v in dict_trea.items() if v== 'rk
3.19创建矩形对象得列表,用于判断遇到事件 def build_List (LIST1 , LIST2): for i in range ( 1 , len (LIST2)+ 1 ): LIST1.append(pygame.Rect(LIST2[i- 1 ][ 0 ] , LIST2[i- 1 ][ 1 ] , 50 , 50 )) wallL=[] build_List(wallL , wall_L) ydoorL=[] build_List(ydoorL , List_temp1) bdoorL=[] build_List(bdoorL , List_temp8) rdoorL=[] build_List(rdoorL , List_temp10) stairupL=[] build_List(stairupL , List_temp2) rbottleL=[] build_List(rbottleL , List_temp3) bbottleL=[] build_List(bbottleL , List_temp4) rgemL=[] build_List(rgemL , List_temp5) bgemL=[] build_List(bgemL , List_temp6) ykeyL=[] build_List(ykeyL , List_temp7) bkeyL=[] build_List(bkeyL , List_temp9) rkeyL=[] build_List(rkeyL , List_temp11)
3.20将怪物放入列表 guideL=[] guideL.append(pygame.Rect(Guide[ 0 ][ 0 ] , Guide[ 0 ][ 1 ] , 50 , 50 )) liftL=[] liftL.append(pygame.Rect(Lift[ 0 ][ 0 ] , Lift[ 0 ][ 1 ] , 50 , 50 ))
3.21键盘控制 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type==pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() elif event.type==pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key==pygame.K_w: CAIXUKUN.move( "UP" ) if event.key == pygame.K_s: CAIXUKUN.move( "DOWN" ) if event.key==pygame.K_a: CAIXUKUN.move( "LEFT" ) if event.key==pygame.K_d: CAIXUKUN.move( "RIGHT" )
3.22设置一个简单外挂,鼠标左键点击钥匙可以+1钥匙,右键-1,中建归0 elif event.type==pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if ykey_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): if event.button== 1 :[ "Yellow_key" ]+= 1 elif event.button== 2 :[ "Yellow_key" ]= 0 elif event.button== 3 :[ "Yellow_key" ]-= 1 elif bkey_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): if event.button== 1 :[ "Blue_key" ]+= 1 elif event.button== 2 :[ "Blue_key" ]= 0 elif event.button== 3 :[ "Blue_key" ]-= 1 elif rkey_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): if event.button== 1 :[ "Red_key" ]+= 1 elif event.button== 2 :[ "Red_key" ]= 0 elif event.button== 3 :[ "Red_key" ]-= 1
3.23电梯功能 elif up_lift_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): if event.button== 1 and get_lift and CAIXUKUN.floor< 66 and CAIXUKUN.floor!= 42 : CAIXUKUN.floor+= 1 elif down_lift_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): if event.button== 1 and get_lift and CAIXUKUN.floor> 1 and CAIXUKUN.floor!= 44 : CAIXUKUN.floor-= 1
3.24开始画地图 for i in ground_L: screen.blit(ground , i) for j in wall_L: screen.blit(wall , j) for k in List_temp1: screen.blit(yellow_door , k) for k in List_temp8: screen.blit(blue_door , k) for k in List_temp10: screen.blit(red_door , k) for k in List_temp2: screen.blit(upstair , k) for k in List_temp3: screen.blit(rbottle , k) for k in List_temp4: screen.blit(bbottle , k) for k in List_temp5: screen.blit(rgem , k) for k in List_temp6: screen.blit(bgem , k) for k in List_temp7: screen.blit(ykey , k) for k in List_temp9: screen.blit(bkey , k) for k in List_temp11: screen.blit(rkey , k) for k in list_molocation: n=list_molocation.index(k) k_name=list_moname[n] screen.blit( eval (k_name) , k) screen.blit(lift , Lift[ 0 ]) screen.blit(guide , Guide[ 0 ])
3.35对于列表中的元素,碰撞以后 for y_door in ydoorL[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(y_door): if[ "Yellow_key" ]> 0 : i=ydoorL.index(y_door) ydoorL.remove(y_door)[ "Yellow_key" ]-= 1 del List_temp1[i] else : pass for b_door in bdoorL[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(b_door): if[ "Blue_key" ]> 0 : i=bdoorL.index(b_door) bdoorL.remove(b_door)[ "Blue_key" ]-= 1 del List_temp8[i] else : pass for r_door in rdoorL[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(r_door): if[ "Red_key" ]> 0 : i=rdoorL.index(r_door) rdoorL.remove(r_door)[ "Red_key" ]-= 1 del List_temp10[i] else : pass
3.36红血瓶 for r_bottle in rbottleL[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(r_bottle): i=rbottleL.index(r_bottle) rbottleL.remove(r_bottle) 20 del List_temp3[i]
3.37蓝血瓶 for b_bottle in bbottleL[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(b_bottle): i=bbottleL.index(b_bottle) bbottleL.remove(b_bottle) 10 del List_temp4[i]
3.38战斗事件 for monster_ in list_morect[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(monster_): x=list_morect.index(monster_) oops= eval (list_moname[x]+ '_' ) if (fight(CAIXUKUN , oops)!=[ 0 ]): list_morect[x]=pygame.Rect(- 100 , - 100 , 50 , 50 ) list_molocation[x]=(- 100 , - 100 ) else : pass
3.39侧边栏背景 screen.fill(( 191 , 191 , 191 ) , rect =att_rect1 , special_flags = 0 ) screen.fill(( 191 , 191 , 191 ) , rect =att_rect2 , special_flags = 0 ) screen.fill(( 191 , 191 , 191 ) , rect =att_rect3 , special_flags = 0 ) screen.fill(( 191 , 191 , 191 ) , rect =att_rect4 , special_flags = 0 )
3.40任务栏 screen.blit(ykey , ( 0 , 400 )) screen.blit(bkey , ( 0 , 450 )) screen.blit(rkey , ( 0 , 500 ))
3.41属性栏 text_surface1=my_FontCHs.render( "第%s层" % str (CAIXUKUN.floor) ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface2=my_FontCHs.render( "攻击力:%s" % str (CAIXUKUN.attack) ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface3=my_FontCHs.render( "防御力:%s" % str (CAIXUKUN.defend) ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface4=my_FontCHs.render( "生命值:%s" % str ( ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface5=my_FontCHs.render( "金币:%s" % str ( ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 ))
3.42钥匙数量[ 'Yellow_key' ][ 'Blue_key' ][ 'Red_key' ]
3.43物品栏 text_surface6=my_FontCHs.render( "%s把" % str (Yellow_key) ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface7=my_FontCHs.render( "%s把" % str (Blue_key) ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface8=my_FontCHs.render( "%s把" % str (Red_key) ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface9=my_FontCHs.render( "永久使用宝物" ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface10=my_FontCHs.render( "一次使用宝物" ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface11=my_FontCHs.render( "自动使用宝物" ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 ))
3.44如果获得电梯,则在右侧边栏加上该宝物 if get_lift: screen.blit(pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'life.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 40 , 40 )) , ( 770 , 100 ))
3.45属性栏 screen.blit(text_surface0 , ( 280 , 0 )) screen.blit(text_surface1 , ( 0 , 100 )) screen.blit(text_surface2 , ( 0 , 150 )) screen.blit(text_surface3 , ( 0 , 200 )) screen.blit(text_surface4 , ( 0 , 250 )) screen.blit(text_surface5 , ( 0 , 300 )) screen.blit(text_surface6 , ( 100 , 400 )) screen.blit(text_surface7 , ( 100 , 450 )) screen.blit(text_surface8 , ( 100 , 500 )) screen.blit(text_surface9 , ( 758 , 50 )) screen.blit(text_surface10 , ( 758 , 280 )) screen.blit(text_surface11 , ( 758 , 510 ))
代码参考: def fight (A , B , cancel= 0 ): a=A.attack-B.defend b=B.attack-A.defend if a<= 0 : return [ 0 ] if a> 0 and b<= 0 : if (cancel== 0 ): if (cancel!= 0 ): return 0 else : for i in range ( 1 , 100 ): if< 0 : if (cancel== 0 ): if (cancel!= 0 ): return if< 0 : return [ 0 ] if __name__== "__main__" : class character: def __init__ ( self , tuple): self .attack=tuple[ 0 ] self .defend=tuple[ 1 ] self .life=tuple[ 2 ] self .gold= 0 def __str__ ( self ): return u"攻击力:%d ,防御力:%d, 生命值:%d,金币: %d" %( self .attack , self .defend , self .life , self .gold) class monster: def __init__ ( self , tuple): self .attack=tuple[ 0 ] self .defend=tuple[ 1 ] self .life=tuple[ 2 ] self .gold=tuple[ 3 ] def __str__ ( self ): return u"攻击力:%d ,防御力:%d, 生命值:%d," %( self .attack , self .defend , self .life) CAIXUKUN=character(( 10 , 10 , 100 )) gSlime_=monster(( 11 , 5 , 10 , 1 )) rSlime_=monster(( 12 , 5 , 10 , 2 )) sBat_=monster(( 13 , 5 , 10 , 3 )) bWizard_=monster(( 15 , 5 , 10 , 5 )) Skeleton_=monster(( 18 , 5 , 10 , 8 )) scSkeleton_=monster(( 25 , 5 , 10 , 10 )) BOSS=monster(( 100 , 5 , 10 , 10 )) fight(CAIXUKUN , gSlime_) print (CAIXUKUN) fight(CAIXUKUN , gSlime_ , cancel = 1 ) print (CAIXUKUN , rSlime_) print (CAIXUKUN) if (fight(CAIXUKUN , BOSS)== 0 ): print (CAIXUKUN) print (BOSS) import pygame , sys from Fight import fight pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() size=width , height= 950 , 650 screen=pygame.display.set_mode(size) pygame.display.set_caption( 'Tower' ) wall=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'w1.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) ground=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'w2.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) yellow_door=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'd1.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) blue_door=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'd2.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) red_door=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'd3.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) special_door=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'd4.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) ykey=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'ykey.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) bkey=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'bkey.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) rkey=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'rkey.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) rbottle=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'rbottle.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) bbottle=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'bbottle.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) rgem=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'rgem.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) bgem=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'bgem.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) upstair=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'upstair.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) downstair=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'downstair.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) #怪物 rSlime=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'rSlime.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) gSlime=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'gSlime.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) bSlime=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'bSlime.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) kSlime=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'kSlime.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) sBat=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'sBat.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) bBat=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'bBat.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) rBat=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'rBat.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) bWizard=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'bWizard.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) rWizard=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'rWizard.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) Skeleton=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'Skeleton.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) scSkeleton=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'scSkeleton.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) bcSkeleton=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'bcSkeleton.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) ghost=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'ghost.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) lGuard=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'lGuard.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) mGuard=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'mGuard.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) hGuard=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'hGuard.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) lWitch=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'lWitch.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) hWitch=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'hWitch.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) Orc=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'Orc.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) wOrc=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'wOrc.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) Stone=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'Stone.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) Swordsman=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'Swordsman.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) wGhost=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'wGhost.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) Vampier=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'Vampier.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) #神秘人和宝物 guide=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'guide.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) merchant=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'merchant.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) princess=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'princess.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) lift=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'lift.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) #商店 shop=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'shop.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 150 , 50 )) #背景音乐 'background.mp3' ) musicPlaying= False sound0=pygame.mixer.Sound( '0.wav' ) sound1=pygame.mixer.Sound( '1.wav' ) sound2=pygame.mixer.Sound( '2.wav' ) #sound3=pygame.mixer.Sound('3.wav') sound4=pygame.mixer.Sound( '4.wav' ) sound5=pygame.mixer.Sound( '5.wav' ) sound6=pygame.mixer.Sound( '6.wav' ) pygame.time.delay( 1000 ) #加载字体 my_FontCH=pygame.font.Font( '【春田】小火锅安卓.ttf' , 30 ) my_FontCHs=pygame.font.Font( '方正正中黑简体.TTF' , 30 ) my_FontEN=pygame.font.Font( 'KeeponTruckin.ttf' , 30 ) #最上面一格 text_surface0=my_FontCH.render( '小游戏' ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) #矩形的四个值 att_rect1=pygame.Rect( 0 , 50 , 200 , 600 ) att_rect2=pygame.Rect( 750 , 50 , 200 , 600 ) att_rect3=pygame.Rect( 200 , 600 , 550 , 50 ) att_rect4=pygame.Rect( 0 , 0 , 950 , 50 ) #获取钥匙图片所在的位置 ykey_rect=ykey.get_rect() ykey_rect.left , 0 , 400 bkey_rect=bkey.get_rect() bkey_rect.left , 0 , 450 rkey_rect=rkey.get_rect() rkey_rect.left , 0 , 500 #电梯位置 up_lift_rect=pygame.Rect( 770 , 100 , 40 , 20 ) down_lift_rect=pygame.Rect( 770 , 120 , 40 , 20 ) #人物类 class character: def __init__ ( self , tuple): self .floor= 1 self .attack=tuple[ 0 ] self .defend=tuple[ 1 ] self .life=tuple[ 2 ] self .gold= 0 #物品栏 self .property={ 'Yellow_key' : 0 , 'Blue_key' : 0 , 'Red_key' : 0 } #图像 self .image=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'character.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) self .bg=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'w2.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 50 , 50 )) self .image_rect= self .image.get_rect() self .image_rect.left= 450 self 550 def move ( self , str): if str== "UP" : FORBID= 0 rect_new= self .image_rect.copy() rect_new.move_ip( 0 , - 50 ) for wall_ in wallL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(wall_): FORBID= 1 for y_door in ydoorL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(y_door) and self .property[ "Yellow_key" ]== 0 : FORBID= 1 for b_door in bdoorL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(b_door) and self .property[ "Blue_key" ]== 0 : FORBID= 1 for r_door in rdoorL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(r_door) and self .property[ "Red_key" ]== 0 : FORBID= 1 for monster_ in list_morect[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(monster_): x=list_morect.index(monster_) if (fight(CAIXUKUN , eval (list_moname[x]+ "_" ) , 1 ))==[ 0 ]: FORBID= 1 if FORBID== 1 : pass else : if self< 100 : pass else : self .image_rect.move_ip( 0 , - 50 ) if str== "DOWN" : FORBID= 0 rect_new= self .image_rect.copy() rect_new.move_ip( 0 , 50 ) for wall_ in wallL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(wall_): FORBID= 1 for y_door in ydoorL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(y_door) and self .property[ "Yellow_key" ]== 0 : FORBID= 1 for b_door in bdoorL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(b_door) and self .property[ "Blue_key" ]== 0 : FORBID= 1 for r_door in rdoorL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(r_door) and self .property[ "Red_key" ]== 0 : FORBID= 1 for monster_ in list_morect[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(monster_): x = list_morect.index(monster_) if (fight(CAIXUKUN , eval (list_moname[x] + "_" ) , 1 )) == [ 0 ]: FORBID = 1 if FORBID == 1 : pass else : if self .image_rect.bottom> 550 : pass else : self .image_rect.move_ip( 0 , 50 ) if str == "LEFT" : FORBID = 0 rect_new = self .image_rect.copy() rect_new.move_ip(- 50 , 0 ) for wall_ in wallL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(wall_): FORBID = 1 for y_door in ydoorL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(y_door) and self .property[ "Yellow_key" ] == 0 : FORBID = 1 for b_door in bdoorL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(b_door) and self .property[ "Blue_key" ]== 0 : FORBID= 1 for r_door in rdoorL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(r_door) and self .property[ "Red_key" ]== 0 : FORBID= 1 for monster_ in list_morect[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(monster_): x = list_morect.index(monster_) if (fight(CAIXUKUN , eval (list_moname[x] + "_" ) , 1 )) == [ 0 ]: FORBID = 1 if FORBID == 1 : pass else : if self .image_rect.left< 250 : pass else : self .image_rect.move_ip(- 50 , 0 ) if str == "RIGHT" : FORBID = 0 rect_new = self .image_rect.copy() rect_new.move_ip( 50 , 0 ) for wall_ in wallL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(wall_): FORBID = 1 for y_door in ydoorL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(y_door) and self .property[ "Yellow_key" ] == 0 : FORBID = 1 for b_door in bdoorL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(b_door) and self .property[ "Blue_key" ]== 0 : FORBID= 1 for r_door in rdoorL[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(r_door) and self .property[ "Red_key" ]== 0 : FORBID= 1 for monster_ in list_morect[:]: if rect_new.colliderect(monster_): x = list_morect.index(monster_) if (fight(CAIXUKUN , eval (list_moname[x] + "_" ) , 1 )) == [ 0 ]: FORBID = 1 if FORBID == 1 : pass else : if self .image_rect.right > 700 : pass else : self .image_rect.move_ip( 50 , 0 ) class monster: def __init__ ( self , tuple): self .attack=tuple[ 0 ] self .defend=tuple[ 1 ] self .life=tuple[ 2 ] self .gold=tuple[ 3 ] CAIXUKUN=character(( 10 , 10 , 100 )) gSlime_=monster(( 11 , 5 , 10 , 1 )) rSlime_=monster(( 12 , 5 , 10 , 2 )) sBat_=monster(( 13 , 5 , 10 , 3 )) ghost_=monster(( 14 , 5 , 10 , 4 )) hWitch_=monster(( 15 , 5 , 10 , 5 )) Skeleton_=monster(( 20 , 11 , 10 , 8 )) scSkeleton_=monster(( 25 , 11 , 10 , 10 )) ground_L=[] for i in range ( 4 , 14 + 1 ): for j in range ( 1 , 11 + 1 ): ground_L.append(( 50 *i , 50 *j)) wall_L=[( 200 , 100 ) , ( 250 , 100 ) , ( 300 , 100 ) , ( 350 , 100 ) , ( 400 , 100 ) , ( 450 , 100 ) , ( 500 , 100 ) , ( 550 , 100 ) , ( 600 , 100 ) , ( 650 , 100 ) , ( 450 , 150 ) , ( 450 , 200 ) , ( 450 , 250 ) , ( 450 , 350 ) , ( 500 , 250 ) , ( 550 , 250 ) , ( 650 , 250 ) , ( 650 , 150 ) , ( 650 , 200 ) , ( 600 , 350 ) , ( 550 , 350 ) , ( 500 , 350 ) , ( 650 , 350 ) , ( 650 , 300 ) , ( 350 , 200 ) , ( 350 , 250 ) , ( 350 , 300 ) , ( 350 , 350 ) , ( 350 , 400 ) , ( 350 , 450 ) , ( 350 , 500 ) , ( 350 , 550 ) , ( 300 , 250 ) , ( 200 , 250 ) , ( 300 , 400 ) , ( 200 , 400 ) , ( 400 , 450 ) , ( 550 , 450 ) , ( 600 , 450 ) , ( 500 , 450 ) , ( 550 , 500 ) , ( 550 , 550 ) , ( 700 , 450 )] #门 dict_door={( 350 , 150 ): 'yellow' , ( 250 , 250 ): 'blue' , ( 600 , 250 ): 'yellow' , ( 450 , 300 ): 'yellow' , ( 250 , 400 ): 'yellow' , ( 450 , 450 ): 'yellow' , ( 450 , 450 ): 'yellow' , ( 650 , 450 ): 'red' , ( 600 , 250 ): 'red' } #宝物 dict_trea={( 550 , 150 ): 'ykey' , ( 200 , 350 ): 'ykey' , ( 300 , 500 ): 'ykey' , ( 400 , 500 ): 'ykey' , ( 400 , 550 ): 'bkey' , ( 400 , 250 ): 'rkey' , ( 600 , 150 ): 'rkey' , ( 400 , 200 ): 'ykey' , ( 200 , 150 ): 'ykey' , ( 300 , 550 ): 'ykey' , ( 200 , 150 ): 'rbottle' , ( 100 , 350 ): 'rbottle' , ( 500 , 150 ): 'rgem' , ( 500 , 200 ): 'bgem' , ( 550 , 200 ): 'rbottle' , ( 200 , 550 ): 'rbottle' , ( 200 , 500 ): 'bbottle' , ( 650 , 550 ): 'bbottle' , ( 650 , 500 ): 'bgem' , } #楼梯 dict_stair={( 200 , 50 ): 'up' } #怪物 dict_monster={( 300 , 50 ): 'gSlime' , ( 400 , 50 ): 'gSlime' , ( 600 , 550 ): 'sBat' , ( 700 , 550 ): 'sBat' , ( 350 , 50 ): 'gSlime' , ( 500 , 300 ): 'rSlime' , ( 500 , 300 ): 'rSlime' , ( 250 , 300 ): 'hWitch' , ( 250 , 450 ): 'ghost' , ( 550 , 300 ): 'ghost' , ( 600 , 300 ): 'rSlime' } #神秘 Guide=[( 500 , 500 )] Lift=[( 250 , 550 )] get_lift= 0 List_temp1=[k for k , v in dict_door.items() if v== 'yellow' ] List_temp2=[k for k , v in dict_stair.items() if v== 'up' ] List_temp3=[k for k , v in dict_trea.items() if v== 'rbottle' ] List_temp4=[k for k , v in dict_trea.items() if v== 'bbottle' ] List_temp5=[k for k , v in dict_trea.items() if v== 'rgem' ] List_temp6=[k for k , v in dict_trea.items() if v== 'bgem' ] List_temp7=[k for k , v in dict_trea.items() if v== 'ykey' ] List_temp8=[k for k , v in dict_door.items() if v== 'blue' ] List_temp9=[k for k , v in dict_trea.items() if v== 'bkey' ] List_temp10=[k for k , v in dict_door.items() if v== 'red' ] List_temp11=[k for k , v in dict_trea.items() if v== 'rkey' ] def build_List (LIST1 , LIST2): for i in range ( 1 , len (LIST2)+ 1 ): LIST1.append(pygame.Rect(LIST2[i- 1 ][ 0 ] , LIST2[i- 1 ][ 1 ] , 50 , 50 )) wallL=[] build_List(wallL , wall_L) ydoorL=[] build_List(ydoorL , List_temp1) bdoorL=[] build_List(bdoorL , List_temp8) rdoorL=[] build_List(rdoorL , List_temp10) stairupL=[] build_List(stairupL , List_temp2) rbottleL=[] build_List(rbottleL , List_temp3) bbottleL=[] build_List(bbottleL , List_temp4) rgemL=[] build_List(rgemL , List_temp5) bgemL=[] build_List(bgemL , List_temp6) ykeyL=[] build_List(ykeyL , List_temp7) bkeyL=[] build_List(bkeyL , List_temp9) rkeyL=[] build_List(rkeyL , List_temp11) list_molocation= list (dict_monster) list_moname= list (dict_monster.values()) list_morect=[] build_List(list_morect , list_molocation) guideL=[] guideL.append(pygame.Rect(Guide[ 0 ][ 0 ] , Guide[ 0 ][ 1 ] , 50 , 50 )) liftL=[] liftL.append(pygame.Rect(Lift[ 0 ][ 0 ] , Lift[ 0 ][ 1 ] , 50 , 50 )) while True : for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type==pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() elif event.type==pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key==pygame.K_w: CAIXUKUN.move( "UP" ) if event.key == pygame.K_s: CAIXUKUN.move( "DOWN" ) if event.key==pygame.K_a: CAIXUKUN.move( "LEFT" ) if event.key==pygame.K_d: CAIXUKUN.move( "RIGHT" ) if event.key==pygame.K_p: if musicPlaying: else : 1 ) musicPlaying= not musicPlaying if event.key==pygame.K_1: elif event.type==pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if ykey_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): if event.button== 1 :[ "Yellow_key" ]+= 1 elif event.button== 2 :[ "Yellow_key" ]= 0 elif event.button== 3 :[ "Yellow_key" ]-= 1 elif bkey_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): if event.button== 1 :[ "Blue_key" ]+= 1 elif event.button== 2 :[ "Blue_key" ]= 0 elif event.button== 3 :[ "Blue_key" ]-= 1 elif rkey_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): if event.button== 1 :[ "Red_key" ]+= 1 elif event.button== 2 :[ "Red_key" ]= 0 elif event.button== 3 :[ "Red_key" ]-= 1 elif up_lift_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): if event.button== 1 and get_lift and CAIXUKUN.floor< 66 and CAIXUKUN.floor!= 42 : CAIXUKUN.floor+= 1 elif down_lift_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): if event.button== 1 and get_lift and CAIXUKUN.floor> 1 and CAIXUKUN.floor!= 44 : CAIXUKUN.floor-= 1 for i in ground_L: screen.blit(ground , i) for j in wall_L: screen.blit(wall , j) for k in List_temp1: screen.blit(yellow_door , k) for k in List_temp8: screen.blit(blue_door , k) for k in List_temp10: screen.blit(red_door , k) for k in List_temp2: screen.blit(upstair , k) for k in List_temp3: screen.blit(rbottle , k) for k in List_temp4: screen.blit(bbottle , k) for k in List_temp5: screen.blit(rgem , k) for k in List_temp6: screen.blit(bgem , k) for k in List_temp7: screen.blit(ykey , k) for k in List_temp9: screen.blit(bkey , k) for k in List_temp11: screen.blit(rkey , k) for k in list_molocation: n=list_molocation.index(k) k_name=list_moname[n] screen.blit( eval (k_name) , k) screen.blit(lift , Lift[ 0 ]) screen.blit(guide , Guide[ 0 ]) #黄门 for y_door in ydoorL[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(y_door): if[ "Yellow_key" ]> 0 : i=ydoorL.index(y_door) ydoorL.remove(y_door)[ "Yellow_key" ]-= 1 del List_temp1[i] else : pass for b_door in bdoorL[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(b_door): if[ "Blue_key" ]> 0 : i=bdoorL.index(b_door) bdoorL.remove(b_door)[ "Blue_key" ]-= 1 del List_temp8[i] else : pass for r_door in rdoorL[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(r_door): if[ "Red_key" ]> 0 : i=rdoorL.index(r_door) rdoorL.remove(r_door)[ "Red_key" ]-= 1 del List_temp10[i] else : pass #红血瓶 for r_bottle in rbottleL[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(r_bottle): i=rbottleL.index(r_bottle) rbottleL.remove(r_bottle) 20 del List_temp3[i] #蓝血瓶 for b_bottle in bbottleL[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(b_bottle): i=bbottleL.index(b_bottle) bbottleL.remove(b_bottle) 10 del List_temp4[i] for r_gem in rgemL[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(r_gem): i=rgemL.index(r_gem) rgemL.remove(r_gem) CAIXUKUN.attack += 2 del List_temp5[i] for b_gem in bgemL[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(b_gem): i=bgemL.index(b_gem) bgemL.remove(b_gem) CAIXUKUN.defend += 2 del List_temp6[i] for y_key in ykeyL[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(y_key): i=ykeyL.index(y_key) ykeyL.remove(y_key)[ 'Yellow_key' ]+= 1 del List_temp7[i] for b_key in bkeyL[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(b_key): i=bkeyL.index(b_key) bkeyL.remove(b_key)[ 'Blue_key' ]+= 1 del List_temp9[i] for r_key in rkeyL[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(r_key): i=rkeyL.index(r_key) rkeyL.remove(r_key)[ 'Red_key' ]+= 1 del List_temp11[i] #战斗事件 for monster_ in list_morect[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(monster_): x=list_morect.index(monster_) oops= eval (list_moname[x]+ '_' ) if (fight(CAIXUKUN , oops)!=[ 0 ]): list_morect[x]=pygame.Rect(- 100 , - 100 , 50 , 50 ) list_molocation[x]=(- 100 , - 100 ) else : pass for lift_ in liftL[:]: if CAIXUKUN.image_rect.colliderect(lift_): liftL.remove(lift_) get_lift= 1 Lift[ 0 ]=(- 100 , - 100 ) #侧边栏背景 screen.fill(( 191 , 191 , 191 ) , rect =att_rect1 , special_flags = 0 ) screen.fill(( 191 , 191 , 191 ) , rect =att_rect2 , special_flags = 0 ) screen.fill(( 191 , 191 , 191 ) , rect =att_rect3 , special_flags = 0 ) screen.fill(( 191 , 191 , 191 ) , rect =att_rect4 , special_flags = 0 ) #任务栏 screen.blit(ykey , ( 0 , 400 )) screen.blit(bkey , ( 0 , 450 )) screen.blit(rkey , ( 0 , 500 )) #属性栏 text_surface1=my_FontCHs.render( "第%s层" % str (CAIXUKUN.floor) ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface2=my_FontCHs.render( "攻击力:%s" % str (CAIXUKUN.attack) ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface3=my_FontCHs.render( "防御力:%s" % str (CAIXUKUN.defend) ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface4=my_FontCHs.render( "生命值:%s" % str ( ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface5=my_FontCHs.render( "金币:%s" % str ( ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) #钥匙数量[ 'Yellow_key' ][ 'Blue_key' ][ 'Red_key' ] text_surface6=my_FontCHs.render( "%s把" % str (Yellow_key) ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface7=my_FontCHs.render( "%s把" % str (Blue_key) ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface8=my_FontCHs.render( "%s把" % str (Red_key) ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface9=my_FontCHs.render( "永久使用宝物" ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface10=my_FontCHs.render( "一次使用宝物" ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) text_surface11=my_FontCHs.render( "自动使用宝物" ,True, ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 191 , 191 , 191 )) if get_lift: screen.blit(pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load( 'life.png' ).convert_alpha() , ( 40 , 40 )) , ( 770 , 100 )) screen.blit(CAIXUKUN.image , CAIXUKUN.image_rect) #属性栏 screen.blit(text_surface0 , ( 280 , 0 )) screen.blit(text_surface1 , ( 0 , 100 )) screen.blit(text_surface2 , ( 0 , 150 )) screen.blit(text_surface3 , ( 0 , 200 )) screen.blit(text_surface4 , ( 0 , 250 )) screen.blit(text_surface5 , ( 0 , 300 )) screen.blit(text_surface6 , ( 100 , 400 )) screen.blit(text_surface7 , ( 100 , 450 )) screen.blit(text_surface8 , ( 100 , 500 )) screen.blit(text_surface9 , ( 758 , 50 )) screen.blit(text_surface10 , ( 758 , 280 )) screen.blit(text_surface11 , ( 758 , 510 )) pygame.display.update()






